This research project aims to determine the optimal sizing and location for wetlands in agricultural catchments to reduce nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) loads in catchments. The study consist of two parts performed on study areas with different landscape and climatic conditions. Firstly, potentially suitable wetland restoration/creation sites are identified by using high quality data, remote sensing and geospatial analysis techniques. Secondly, evaluation of the effectiveness of wetland nitrogen and phosphorus removal from surface waters at various potential locations indicated by the geospatial analyses under different hydrological regimes and land use scenarios will be done by using modelling. Important role in the study is also on using and integrating different datasets and modelling approaches.


This research project has funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 660391

During my outgoing phase I is hosted by National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Hamilton, New Zealand.
My research was also supported by Ernst Jaakson memorial grant by University of Tartu Foundation
My returning phase is hosted by Department of Geography, University of Tartu.

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